
Webinars voor kmo's: exporteer via Alibaba naar de hele wereld

Events door derden

In samenwerking met Alibaba lanceert AWEX vanaf 24 februari een reeks webinars om kmo's te helpen met het exporteren naar China, maar bij uitbreiding ook naar de hele wereld. Deze webinars maken deel uit van de nieuwe samenwerking tussen Fevia Wallonie en AWEX rond e-business. Wil je meer weten? Schrijf je dan in voor deze interessante reeks!

Calling all SMEs! Alibaba Group and Wallonia Export – Investment Agency (AWEX), with the support of Hub Brussels, are offering SMEs and small businesses four educational sessions to introduce specific solutions dedicated to small and medium-sized companies interested in exporting their products to China and globally. Yes, globally, since some of Alibaba’s platforms do not focus only on China but cover more than 200 countries around the world. So, this is the perfect opportunity to find out more! Don’t miss it and register right away!

This webinar series is part of the eWTP initiative led by Alibaba Group, in partnership with the Belgian government.

In December 2018, Belgium signed a cooperation agreement with Alibaba Group under the framework of the electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP) initiative. The eWTP seeks to lower barriers to global trade for small and medium-sized businesses via e-commerce. The private sector-led, multi-stakeholder initiative offers SMEs easier access to new markets via simple and straightforward regulations, as well as support in logistics, training, financing, cloud computing and mobile payments services.
