
Webinaire "Fostering Successful Relationships with Japanese Businesses"

Evénements organisés par des tiers

L'Association Belgique-Japon, en collaboration avec Fevia Wallonie, organise un webinaire sur la manière de faire des affaires au Japon en vue de la mission économique de décembre. Inscrivez-vous avant le 20 octobre.


09:55Opening up of digital event 
10:00Welcome words by Vincent Schepens, Manager Business Development of ANA and BJA Membership Committee Chair, and moderator for the event
10:05The 5 keys to understand and work successfully with Japanese colleagues and partners by Olivier van Beneden, Managing Director, Japan Consulting Office
10:30Panel discussion on how to do business in Japan with the regional representatives in Tokyo:
 William Delsemme of hub.brussels Tokyo
 Vincent Goossens, FIT Tokyo
 Yuka Morita, AWEX Tokyo
11:00Don't be too much Gaijin by Kurt Leuridan, CEO of Tokai Optecs and BJA Investment Committee Chair 
11:15Development in the Japanese market: Get support from national and European level by Yuan Chai, International Affairs Officer Wagralim
Belgian-Japanese trade in food and beverages: trends and opportunities by Tine Vandervelden, International Business Director Fevia
11:25Opportunity to further discuss in the zoom rooms of FIT, AWEX, and hub.brussels
12:00Event ends

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